Inspiring discipline among students

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Disciplining a student involves imparting knowledge and skill that is aimed at creating positivity. In order to discipline students, it is very crucial to understand the stages of life that everyone undergoes. A case of disciplining an adolescent is not the same as disciplining a 7 year old. However, some techniques cut across various age groups.

Discipline helps students to stay on track with regard to their goals and also gives them an opportunity to grow as an wholesome person. Life without goals is definitely a sham. Discipline is the safest way to stay focused on the ‘focal point’ of life.

Here are some of the ways that teachers/parents can use to inspire discipline among students:

Counselling is key to unlocking hidden potential in a person. Every human being has a potential that is a valuable treasure to them. Through counselling, positive norms are imparted to students to help them achieve the hidden potential. This is just like awakening a giant that is deeply asleep. Counselling puts realism to a person and helps them stay on the path of growth and avoid bad behavior. Negative peer pressure,for example, can cause devastating moral erosion if not checked by a counselor. Each school should have a guidance and counselling department to guide students through the turbulent teen stage as teens can get confused as they struggle to discover themselves.

Praise is an expression of approval and admiration. Teachers and parents should not hesitate in praising what they see is good. Naturally, every person will be enlightened through praise. It brings an automatic urge to do good and cleanses any forms of evil thinking. It motivates a student and opens him/her to another opportunity to prove goodness.

Withdrawing of Privilege
Withdrawal of privileges works magic in imparting discipline. An example is postponing a field trip for students who have not finished their assignments. This will put them on toes as they try not to miss out of a major fun event. For younger kids, withholding their computer games or a bouncing castle experience until they have reformed on their behavior works in reforming bad behavior.

Restrained Punishment
Ad Hoc ways of punishment should be avoided at all costs. Corporal punishment, for example instills fear and could lead to resistance from the student that will be unhelpful in attaining good behavior. Moreover, teachers should never discipline students in front of their peers as this can lower their self esteem.

As parents/teachers discipline the students, it is always important to remember Haim G Ginott’s quote `Misbehavior and punishment are not opposites that cancel each other-on the contrary they breed and reinforce each other’

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