Class attendance is very important to each student in the process of learning. It gives them an opportunity to expand their knowledge through interaction with a teacher by asking questions. It saves them the pain of studying at a later time and it is a perfect chance to learn something new as well as get to know what is required in class like assignments or upcoming papers.
Increasing class attendance is essential in the learning process and cannot be avoided by any learning institution. Here are some ways that teachers can use to increase class attendance:
1. Guidelines
Each school should have tight guidelines to manage class attendance. A principle of teachers marking registers of class attendance is one step towards achieving class attendance. That way it is easy for the tutor to track the absentee students and take the necessary actions. To keep attendance in check ,teachers should follow up with parents including writing concern letters to parents over continued absentee behavior among students. Another way is reinforcing consistent school/class sessions attendance by openly congratulating such students. This will also serve to motivate the rest of the class to continually present themselves for classes.
2. Preparation
Teacher preparedness is key to achieving class attendance. Students are sensitive and could look down upon an unprepared teacher. Every lesson should be carefully planned and have an objective or goal. Preparedness ultimately boosts teacher confidence with himself/herself and even among the students.
3. Value addition to Lessons
Diversifying learning activities in a class set up reduces boredom and sparks a measure of interest! Teachers should: allocate time for discussions to increase class engagement. Some students learn more from discussions as compared to lecture sprees. Discussions should not be overdone since they can drift topics into illogical conclusions. Bringing external speakers can boost class attendance. External speakers simply create eagerness among students to attend a lesson. Let the speakers handle topics such as career development where they could relate learning to professional development. Let students see their learning carrying on to dictate on their life after school. Career guidance for learners lights a fire and
a desire for better living! Let them know that their attendance will dictate their professional paths.Teachers can use testimonials to achieve attendance: Inviting a successful alumni to talk to students about studying and how they succeeded can help boost class attendance.
4. Snap measures/Breaking away from the norm
Teachers should be able to employ creative tactics to make lessons enjoyable, which in turn leads to better class attendance. Storytelling is one form of breaking away from the norm, playing brain teaser games like crossword puzzles gets attracts students to class. Tutors can use case studies and audio lessons once in a while to break the monotony of a conventional class. They could also administer unannounced quizzes or base exams after every topic covered.
Academic performance is directly tied to the learning experience. It is therefore paramount that students attend school for learning. The challenge lies squarely on individual teachers’ shoulders: What are you / not doing to keep your students in class?