Asking a teacher questions in classroom is not a rosy affair for most students. Personalities vary in human beings, which also determines one’s confidence. Some students are super active when a teacher is leading an engaging lesson, while some are “damn cold” Eneza education came up with a noble idea to supplement the efforts of teachers outside the stringent class environment. With the ASK-A-TEACHER feature, comes a product where students can work to improve their performance in school without the fear of being intimidated by their peers.
This is a service provided by Eneza Education that allows students to ask questions to a virtual tutor/teacher on academic questions and get individualized feedback from Eneza Education’s robust team of teachers. Eneza has an entire curriculum team ready to dissect students’ questions and give relevant answers within a span of 15 minutes.
How does it work?
Students need to be registered on the Eneza platform to be able to access the service. Registration can be on the web or phone and never mind even if it is a feature phone! It works magically across all the interconnected channels.
Sign up to check out this cool feature on Eneza website: and push your questions to our panel of teachers. The steps to register on mobile is also clear on the web page.
I leave you with quote for thought, “Questions are great, but only if you know the answers. If you ask questions and the answers surprise you, you look silly.” ― Laurell K. Hamilton, Burnt Offerings