We partnered with Kilimani Primary School for their end of term prize giving day, that took place on Friday August 5, 2016. They were rewarding students who excelled in their end of term exams.
Our marketing team was also on the ground at Kilimani Primary, showing parenShupavu291 ts how works. We managed to pitch to 600 parents who attended the prize giving day. The parents got to learn the importance of giving their children access to mobile phones as a study tool. Among the prizes offered were Shupavu291 merchandise that were given to students who performed exceptionally.
It is important to appreciate students who have performed exceptionally in their academics. This encourages them to keep performing even better. The theories of rewards have been proven scientifically to encourage or improve performance at every level.
This is true even in the academics. This is why we were part of the prize giving day. Our joy is in seeing students excel in their academic work, and providing the tools to facilitate learning from a young age.